A Comprehensive Guide to College Grading System in Ireland

The grading system at every academic level is different in Ireland, such as the school one is dissimilar to the college. It consists of diverse grade ranges rather than merely denoting performances with percentages. Knowing the grading system is valuable if you have reached a high Irish educational level.

Gaining this informative knowledge is necessary, especially if you want to achieve academic milestones at your college. We have uncovered everything related to it in this comprehensive guide. You will explore relevant information, from how the college grading system in Ireland works to tips to improve your performance.

Let’s dive right into it!

Understand How the College Grading System In Ireland Works

There are six distinctive levels at the college level in total. Each one relates to a specific percentage range. It may apply to both your grades and assignments. Some institutions may also hand over a guide that would inform you about their system in particular.

Here is a brief analysis of those six grades that you will encounter in your college life:

1.     First Class

It is the highest rank you can achieve. This relates to 70% or higher achieved due to homework and examinations. Accomplishing it would mean that you have grasped an outstanding understanding of your subject matter. It highlights that you have accomplished beyond mere scores in your academic life.

If want to ace this grading level, you may have to excel in both assignments and examinations. Doing it all on your own can cause unhealthy pressure and stress. If you want to outshine without exploding your head, request online native expert essayists to “write my essay in Ireland.” They will meet the requirements and deliver the custom, finest-quality paper.

2.     Upper Second Class

Also referred to as upper second or a two-one, it is the second highest grade. You obtain it when your percentage is between 60% to 69%. While it is lower than the first one, it still means that you have an outstanding grip over your subject matter. It represents the extra mile you went to boost your academic performance. You have gained the capability to apply the acquired knowledge in your professional life. While obtaining a postgraduation degree, most Irish universities expect the student to at least get upper second class.  

3.     Lower Second Class

Also named a lower second or a two-two, it is a lower second-class grade. It is equivalent to a score between 50% and 59%. Most students secure this one more than the above ones. It showcases their decent understanding of the subject matter. It proves that they can show competency professionally.

4.     Third Class

The third class, usually called third (III) is the last category which qualifies as the pass. It indicates a score of between 40 and 49%. This is the most common compared to all the above ones, particularly in the first year of college. If achieve this, it will indicate that you have enough subject matter to apply practically. However, you have plenty of room for improvement.

5.     Fail 1

Usually, there is only one category for failure at the university level throughout the world, but Ireland has different rules. They have two categories for the failed students. The first one corresponds to a percentage between 30% and 39%. It represents that you don’t have adequate wisdom of the subject matter and its applications. However, you can proceed to the above levels with decent improvement and more effort.

6.     Fail 2

It is the lowest and last stage of the college grading system in Ireland and, therefore regarded as a failure. It relates to a percentage between 20% and 29%. Students who secure this score prove that they failed to acquire the bare minimum subject knowledge. It is mainly because they find the subject difficult.

Prominent Irish College Grading System

The college grading system in Ireland is quite different from the rest of the world. Let’s take a look at the practice of the prominent colleges in the country:

1.     Dublin City University

Classification of DegreeRange of PercentageExplanation
First Class Honours70% to 100%Outstanding, role model, clear understanding, and flawless.
Second Class Honours Grade 160% to 69%Excellent, well-structured, and with minor mistakes.
Second Class Honours Grade 250% to 59%Decent, less developed areas, and errors.
Third Class Honours40% to 49%Barely enough knowledge and lots of omissions.
FailLess than 40%Insufficient knowledge and the inability to meet the standard expectations.

2.     National University of Ireland

HonoursGradeExplanationPercentage Range
H1AExemplary70 to 100%
H2.1BStrong60 to 60%
H2.2CSatisfactory50 to 59%
PassDNeeds Improvement40 to 49%
FailFUnsatisfactoryLess than 40%

3.     Trinity College Dublin (TCD)

Classification of DegreeGradeRange of Percentage
First Class HonoursI70 to 100%
Second Class Honours, First DivisionII.160 to 69%
Second Class Honours, Second DivisionII.250 to 59%
Third Class HonoursIII40 to 49%

4.     University College Cork (UCC)

Classification of DegreeRange of PercentageExplanation
First Class Honours70 to 100%Outstanding performance and has no major flaws.
Second Class Honours, Grade 160 to 69%Very good, well-structured, and minor errors.
Second Class Honours, Grade 250 to 59%Meets the basic requirements, but lacks in some areas.
Third Class Honours40 to 49%Significant ommissions and needs decent improvement.
FailBelow 40%Doesn’t meet the basic standards at all, unacceptable.

The Academic Grading System At Different Levels In Ireland

While you have explored the college grading system of major Irish universities, learn about what follows at different levels. This will give you an idea about the grade requirements to get ahead academically in Ireland.

School Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

ScaleGrade ExplanationUS Grade
85.00 to 100.00DistinctionA
70.00 to 84.00MeritB
60.00 to 69.00PassC

The LCA program is a vocational, practical-based program that pays attention to applied learning and work experience. Its grading scheme is based on Merit and Pass. A student who accomplishes a percentage of 85.00 to 100.00 is awarded awarded distinction. On the other hand, the one who secures around 70 to 84% receives Merit. A pupil who passes has a percentage of 60 to 69%.

Keep in mind that the grades are not converted into numerical scores or points. They can’t be directly compared to the grading system applied in other countries worldwide. Besides, the LCA program is meant for those who want to enter the professional world right after completing secondary school. It is not for those wishing to obtain higher education.

Leaving Certificate (2017+)

According to the new leaving certificate introduced in 2017:

GradeScaleUS Grade
H190 to 100A
H280.00 to 89-A
H370.00 to 79.00B
H460.00 to 69.00-B
H550.00 to 59.00C
H640.00 to 49.00D
H730.00 to 39.00F
H80.00 to 29.00F

This improvisation was taken place in 2017. It is mainly based on a scale of H1 to H8. The first one represents the distinction while the eighth denotes the lowest passing grade. The H1 goes for a score of around 90.00 to 100.00%. On the flip side, H8 indicates a score of 0.00 to 29.00%.

The new version can not be directly compared to the previous one, which mainly depended on A1 to F. The purpose of this new amendment is to reduce pressure on students and let them perform well without any stress. It helps in calculating the overall score of a learner, which later determines their eligibility to enrol in higher courses.

 The specific requirements may differ depending on each university and program. Those who are unable to meet the eligibility criteria don’t get an entry. Overall, the new Leaving Certificate has successfully minimised the stress level of performers. It lets them achieve their academic goals without feeling the burden on their shoulders.

Secondary School

GradeScaleGrade ExplanationUS Grade
A85.00 to 100.00OutstandingA
B70 to 84.99ExcellentA
C55.00 to 69.99Very GoodB
D40.00 to 59.99 (lowest passing score)GoodC
E25.00 to 39.99WeakF
F10.00 to 24.99FailF
NG0.00 to 9.99Incomplete

As you can see the scheme is based on a scale of A to NG, in which A denotes the best performance. The B represent the pretty good performance whereas the C signifies good performance. D symbolises the lowest passing grade while E indicates weak academics. F highlights failure. 

A student receives NG when they don’t get any grade due to insufficient information or other reasons. Once again, this one too can not be directly compared to the schemes employed within other countries. The particular requirements for passing and grading may differ due to your specific school or educational program.

Overall, the grading system for secondary schools in Ireland focuses on fairness and accuracy of the assessment. Their purpose is to guide learners about their academic performance. It will impact the student’s eligibility for higher education courses and different programs. This factor will also influence their academic and professional opportunities.

ECTS Grading System

GradeScaleUS GradeGrade Explanation
A90 to 100AMarvellous
B80 to 89B+Very good
C70 to 79BGood
D60 to 69CSatisfying
E50 to 59C+Enough
F40 to 49FFail

As you can see, the ETCS consist of a scale of A to F. The A denotes outstanding excellence B represents very good and C signifies good one. The D signifies satisfactory performance whereas E highlights sufficient. F stands for a fail.

The ETCS is commonly in practice at higher educational levels in Europe. Its design is standardised and internationally recognised for higher academics. Overall, it is fair and facilitates the recognition, plus transfer credits between different academies and nations.

Keep in mind that your homework also adds up to your overall score. They also contribute in helping you ace your academic performance at university level. Therefore, you should handle every homework with seriousness and leave no chance to fail. Outsourcing your writing tasks from a suitable experienced assignment helper Ireland is a smart strategy.

You can benefit from their expertise to submit flawless papers and learn comprehensive subject knowledge, plus writing insights. This will let you pass with flying colours.

FETAC Level 4 to 6

ScaleGrade ExplanationUS Grade
80.00 to 100.00DistinctionA
65.00 to 79.00MeritB
50.00 to 64.00PassedC

Practical Strategies to Improve Your Grades

  • Consult Staff

Communication is the key. You should always communicate with your institute’s staff whenever feeling like didn’t secure the deserving score. This will give you clarity and help you understand why you didn’t get the expected grades. You will receive a constructive feedback from them. Reflect on it and try to rectify your shortcomings.

  • Attend Lectures Regularly

Attending lectures in person regularly will benefit you more than your imagination. The professor’s detailed explanations, along with practical examples and visuals will help you understand complex topics easily. You can create your notes while your professor delivers a comprehensive speech on a certain concept. Plus, you will gain multiple transferable skills by participating in classes, such as better communication, collaboration, and leadership abilities.

  • Take Well-Structured Notes

Taking notes is the best thing you can do for better grades while attending lectures. Make it your habit. Always carry an iPad, Laptop, or a journal and paper with you. In short, use whatever works for you, whether in digital or physical format. The goal is to list down every detail your professor conveys during a lecture.

Keep the format approachable. Use bullets, short paragraphs, mind mapping, and other techniques to structure your academic content. Utilise different types and colours of pens to make your text appealing to the eyes.

Add sticky notes, printed diagrams, and sketches if it is the topic’s requirement. This tactic will greatly benefit you whenever preparing for homework and examinations. In case, you’re unable to take notes in the classroom, record them via your cell phone. You can develop your academic manuscript during your self-study time. Keep the notes of every subject well-structured.

  • Feel Free to Ask Questions

Many students hesitate to ask questions. They think their queries are stupid and others will laugh at their stupidity. In reality, the courageous ones inquire about concepts that puzzle them until they gain full clarity over them.

Remember, the staff is there to deepen your subject matter knowledge. Make sure your questions are logical. Wait for the right moment to ask them, such as when the professor completes their lecture. If you hesitate to ask in front of the whole classroom, communicate separately with your instructor.

  • Practice Tests

Analyse papers of past years to identify a common theme. Highlight questions that have been repeatedly asked or the ones that may be asked this year. Note them separately or bookmark those topics in your notes. Prepare yourself for them. Stimulate the exam environment and give yourself a certain time.

Try your best to attempt all the queries within the appropriate examination duration. This will boost your confidence, prepare you better, and improve your writing/typing speed. It will give you a self-check about how much you are ready for your upcoming tests, examinations, or quizzes.

What factors impact grading?

Many factors impact the overall grading in Ireland’s education system, such as continuous techniques. This may include assignments, class projects, class participation, and most importantly, the final examinations.

Do master’s degrees have a similar grading system in Ireland?

Absolutely! You will encounter a similar scheme while pursuing your master’s degree. Some top-tier institutions have particular entry requirements for master’s programs, like an upper second.

How should I calculate college grades in Ireland?

Add all the scores you have secured in each module and multiply them with all the credits assigned in that module. You will obtain the number of grade points earned in every module. Add all the points you earned in all modules and divide them by the number of total credits.

What’s a good GPA in college era in Ireland?

A grade Point Average of at least 70% or above is considered a distinction, which many students dream of. A GPA of at least 60% is considered good while a percentage above 40% is taken as a pass.

Summing It All Up

The education system in Ireland is more diverse than the rest of the world. They have made their grading system unique at every academic level, from school to university. We elaborated on each grade that you can fall under in-depth while studying at different educational stages and academies.

Now that you have understood it properly. Reflect on the grade you may want to achieve. As you know what percentage you should obtain to accomplish your academic goals, implement the above tips. You will notice a clear difference in your performance and faceless regrets later.

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